Tuesday, February 28, 2012

25 Things About Me

I like to read People magazine.  My Aunt Pat has subscribed to it for the past 20 years or so and when she's done with them, she passes them on to my mom who passes them on to me.  One of my favorite things they do in there is '25 Things You Don't Know About Me.'  I thought I would try and write one about myself.

25 Things You Don't Know About Me

1.  I watch Gossip Girl every week.  It's so terribly awesome.

2.  In 7th grade we got to choose an elective to take and I chose 'Typing.'

3.  In 8th grade I chose 'Office Assistant.'

4.  I am a terrible waitress.  Terrible!

5.  I am a great coffee barista.

6.  I want to be on Wheel of Fortune.

7.  My sister is 3 years and 7 months older than me.

8.  Winter is my favorite season.

9.  We don't have a dishwasher in our house.

10.  I love Vin Diesel.

11.  My favorite place that I've ever been is Kakadu State Park in Australia.

12.  When I was little I always said my favorite food was watermelon and egg rolls.

13.  I played Field Hockey in high school.

14.  My niece Stella is two years and 2 weeks older than Charlie.

15.  I didn't like my first semester of college and I told my mom I wanted to quit.

16.  When I was little I had a recurring dream that I was sitting on a pad of butter inside an artichoke.

17.  My recurring dream now is that it's the last day of a semester in college and I realize I'm registered for a class that I never went to and I'm going to fail if I don't cram for the final.

18.  My perfect day would include an intense workout in the morning, a massage and nap in the afternoon, and wine at night.

19. I have 16 first cousins.

20.  I met Scott at a Christmas party and our first date was on a Monday night.

21.  Scott wanted to propose on top of a hill overlooking SF but the headlands were so foggy he couldn't find the turn off so he stopped at a random spot, we walked down a path for about 10 minutes and he proposed.  We will probably never be able to find that spot again. We could see nothing in front of an arms reach.  On the way back there was a man playing in a tree with his two kids and they were all speaking French.  It was literally like a dream sequence.

22.  I gained 42 pounds in my pregnancy.

23.  I got pregnant 5 months after my wedding.

24.  A baby was conceived at our wedding.

25.  I am NOT pregnant right now.

There's so much more but that's a start!  Thanks for reading.


  1. I love this! Except the part where you hated first semester in college. Good thing we made up for it second semester (with the help of lots of Keystone Ice).

  2. 16. When I was little I had a recurring dream that I was sitting on a pad of butter inside an artichoke.

    And this is why I love Summer.

  3. OMG. I LOVE this.

    Every single one.

    THIS too is why I love Summer so.....

  4. The dream about the artichoke. Omg. Sooo funny! Summer, can you please make this a regular feature on your blog? :)
