Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I went on maternity leave in June and it's now the end of December.  My company never re-assigned me to a new job once my maternity leave was over.  Today the Program Manager called to say there was a reduction in work force and I would be receiving a letter in the mail and it was really nice to work with me.  Wow.  Laid off.  I've been in construction for 5 years with the same company and as of the end of this month I am no longer employed.  Looks like things were figured out for me and I get to stay home with baby without questioning if it was the right move or not.  I think this is a good thing.

Charlie had his first cold this week.  He is on day three and he is so much better than he was yesterday.  I put him in his crib while his eyes were still open and he actually fell asleep on his own.  Oh, and yesterday I noticed that his second tooth came in, did I mention that already?

Unemployed.  Cool. 


  1. Unemployed?

    You have the toughest Job on the planet.

    Don't worry....I hear the pension is great!

  2. The way I see it, I am employed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and don't have a paycheck to prove it. But it's the best job I've ever had.

  3. I agree with L and Kirbyface, toughest job on the planet. I'm really glad you get to stay home with Charlie - you will never look back and regret that decision, whether you made it on your own or not.

    Sorry to hear he's sick! Sick babies are the worst!!
