Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Busted Lip

Things were going so well today.  We had our first baby playgroup at the Danville Community Center and then we had lunch out on the lawn and then we went into the library and got a library card.  We were having so much fun until Charlie tripped over my foot and went face down onto a tile floor!

We went outside and I just held him and tried to examine his lip to see how bad it was.  He was bleeding like crazy!  I went into the Danville Community Center and asked for some help because the paper towel I managed to grab was starting to get a little soggy.  The bleeding stopped after probably 3 minutes so we got in the car to go home.  Fortunately I had a bottle on hand in case of emergency so he calmed down.

 When we got home I cleaned him up and gave him Advil and let him walk around and play for a few minutes into nap time to make sure the bleeding had stopped.  I thought it did until he woke up two hours later and looked like this:

I had to strip his bed of everything and throw it in the washer, bears and all.

Here we are getting cleaned up at the sink:

I took him to the neighbors house for a second opinion on how he was doing.  She is a pediatric nurse and she said it was a surface cut and nothing to worry about.  She gave him an otter pop for the swelling.  He loved it!

Charlie didn't cry much at all and he was happy through it all once he got over the initial shock of the fall.  He's so tough!  Now he's asleep for the night with new sheets, newly washed bears, and I'm off to bed too!


  1. Aw, poor guy! Scary. Anna took her first faceplant awhile back and she was so upset she puked.

  2. Poor baby! And mama. :( What a tough little guy!
